Video: Several UFOs Spotted in Southern California

By Alec Fernandes

A series of strange lights appeared over the California cities of Palmdale and Lancaster on Friday night. Residents reported up to six objects, with the video above showing a line of colorful flashing lights from what appears to be a flying saucer. Eyewitnesses and Ring door cameras both documented the event, and locals discussed their experiences on the Ring Neighbors app. "At first I was like omg what a cool plane," one user wrote, "but… it was a hovercraft!"

Some on Reddit have pointed to nearby Edwards Air Force Base as the source of the craft, and Lockheed Martin's advanced development program Skunk Works is also located in the area. However, the mysterious movements of the lights, which reportedly stopped suddenly and switched direction at incredible speed, have others convinced they're from beyond this world. "We thought we saw a shooting star falling east," another Ring user commented. "It stopped very abruptly and zig zagged going north." Check out the video above, and let us know what you think on our Facebook page.