Video: Strange 'Doorway' in Antarctica Spotted on Google Maps

By Tim Binnall

A peculiar image from Google Maps shows what appears to be a rather sizeable doorway inexplicably located in Antarctica. Originally discovered earlier this year by an anomaly hunter who posted the photo to Reddit, the mysterious formation found new life this week when the weird find began circulating online again. Located at the coordinates 69°00'50"S 39°36'22"E, the curious rectangular-shaped oddity has spawned all manner of theories on social media. Unsurprisingly, many of those suggestions center around the perceived passageway being the entrance to a fantastic location such as an alien base, a secret military installation, or even another dimension.

Alas, those wondrous explanations are incorrect as experts say the puzzling 'doorway' has a scientific explanation. Speaking to the Daily Mail, Glaciology Professor Bethan Davies said the environmental conditions of the area where the formation is located led her to conclude that "this is an iceberg that became grounded and is now stuck and melting out in situ." That conclusion was supported by glaciologist Martin Siegert, who called the anomaly "an interesting pattern, but not unusual or surprising glaciologically." Despite their debunking of the 'doorway,' given the nature of the internet, one can safely assume that this is not the last time the picture of the perceived portal will wind up circulating online and inspire wonder in those unaware of what it really is.

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