Video: Virginia Man Baffled by Series of Cryptic Messages Mailed to His Home

By Tim Binnall

In a perplexing story out of Virginia, a man has received a series of increasingly cryptic messages penned by a mysterious individual calling themselves 'Molly Mae' and he has no idea who is sending them or why. Mason Cox reportedly received the first piece of peculiar mail back in March in form of a typewritten postcard featuring a very weird message that begins with the unsettling observation that "word has been getting around that you are getting pretty good with drones." It goes on put propose that Cox use his UAV to harass the writer's boss in order to help them get a raise. The postcard was signed 'Molly Mae' and understandably left the man with far more questions than answers, especially as more messages from this person kept showing up at his door.

"It has my name, correct spelling, exact address, including the apartment number," he noted of the mysterious postcard, "it was truly meant for my unit. So, it had to just be me. I don’t know why it was me." Cox didn't have very long to ponder the puzzling message before he had another clue on his hands as a second card from Molly arrived a few days later. This missive detailed some kind of dispute at a Cherry Blossom Festival involving an individual named Terry. A few weeks later, Molly wrote again with yet another odd message which lamented finding "one of those trash bags" and ominously declared that "I need you to do your magic. If you have to get the widow widowed I'd say go for it."

The curious one-way correspondence continued with a fourth postcard containing a message referencing candy corn and venison as well as the worrisome note written in all caps "Marg found out." Cox received the most recent piece of mail from Molly last month and it may have be the most mysterious missive to date. It consisted of a letter containing a photograph with an almost threatening message written on the back wherein the writer ordered him to "do it or someone else will. It's not only a family secret, it's a business." The message also contained a set of GPS coordinates that lead Cox to a park in Richmond, though he found nothing there that might help shed light on the situation.

Positively mystified by the messages that he has been receiving from Molly, Cox turned to social media in the hopes that someone could figure out what they mean and why they have been sent to him. Within the world of web sleuthing, his story has generated considerable interest, but no one has managed to crack the case yet. While one might think Cox is uneasy about the nature Mollie's messages, he expressed more fascination than fear over them, though obviously hopes that the series does not have some kind of dangerous conclusion. Addressing the writer through a local TV station, Cox implored Molly to identify themselves and said "if this is all for fun, we are having fun; we are enjoying it. But, if not, we would like to know who you are just so we can put a stop to it."

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