Video: Webcam Watcher Captures First Virtual Nessie Sighting of 2025

By Tim Binnall

A diligent Loch Ness webcam watcher had laid claim to the first virtual 'monster' sighting of 2025 after he spotted a peculiar shape that emerged from the water of the famed Scottish site. The intriguing scene (seen above) was reportedly captured by indefatigable livestream viewer Eoin O’Faodhagain, who noticed the aquatic anomaly on the afternoon of January 26th. "There was one long hump," he observed, "and a smaller hump to the right of this, which I surmised to be the possible head of the creature."

Beyond the curious shapes, what made the sighting particularly noteworthy to seasoned webcam watcher was the unusual manner in which they behaved. The pair of perceived humps appeared to dip below the surface of Loch Ness and then return on four separate occasions. Based on this odd bobbing, O’Faodhagain dismissed the possibility of the mysterious shapes being part of an errant piece of wood, musing that "I've never seen a log emerging and submerging in the same spot, ever."

The webcam watcher also argued that, due to the size of the anomalies, it was unlikely that they were prosaic wildlife found at Loch Ness nor a human swimming in the water. As such, O’Faodhagain mused that "the only possibility is Nessie." Of course, more skeptical viewers will argue that the footage is too indecipherable to make that determination. With that in mind, what do you think of the first virtual Nessie sighting of 2025? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.