Video: West Virginia Pizza Shop Unveils Cryptid Mural Featuring Mothman and Friends

By Tim Binnall

A pizza shop in West Virginia is celebrating the state's diverse array of legendary cryptids by way of a new mural featuring Mothman and friends dining at the establishment. According to a local media report, the piece was unveiled earlier this month at Milano’s Pizza in the city of Morgantown. Looking to add their personal touch to the establishment, which they bought two years ago, Dan and Karis Field enlisted local artist Liz Pavlovic, who frequently showcases West Virginia's famed cryptids in her work.

"I was super excited when they reached out about it," she recalled, "we get pizza from them all the time so, it was a natural fit." Featured sitting down for a meal in the piece are legendary West Virginia cryptids Mothman and the Flatwoods Monster dining alongside Bigfoot and the slightly less famous Grafton Monster, a particularly weird seal-like creature said to have been spotted in the 1960s. As for the colorful scene itself," Pavlovic mused that it is meant to humanize the apocryphal entities with "sort of like a slice-of-life cryptid vibe. They're just hanging out like anyone else would be, doing the same kind of thing and having a good time."