Watch: Airline Passenger Films People Standing Atop Clouds?

By Tim Binnall

A curious piece of footage captured by an airline passenger shows what appears to be two people standing atop a layer of clouds. The mystifying video was reportedly posted online earlier this week and quickly spread like wildfire. Alas, the source of the strange scene is uncertain with some claiming that it was filmed by an individual flying on a commercial plane over the UK, though that has not been confirmed. Despite the dubious provenance of the video, the footage has spawned an array of theories as to what the weird anomalies atop the clouds could have been.

As one might imagine, there have been suggestions that the two perceived figures could be angels, aliens, or some other kind of supernatural beings. More skeptical observers posited that either the video was a clever digital manipulation or that the 'people' were merely a product of pareidolia brought about by exhaust stacks releasing steam that was actually piercing a layer of fog rather than clouds. With that in mind, what do you make of the viral video that has left viewers online scratching their heads? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.