Watch: Airline Pilots Spot Astonishing UFOs

By Tim Binnall

A remarkable piece of footage from a Boeing 747 pilot shows multiple mysterious UFOs that appeared outside the aircraft and left the flight crew astonished. The intriguing incident was filmed by Captain Ruud Van Pangemanan as he was flying from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to Abuja, Nigeria a few weeks ago. The footage was subsequently posted on his popular YouTube channel documenting his life as an airline pilot. In the video, he notes that the sighting began approximately thirty minutes into the flight when he and his crew noticed that "we have company." What unfolded next caused the group to respond with amazement as they attempted to make sense of what they were seeing.

Initially, Van Pangemanan and his co-pilot observed a sizeable glowing orb off in the distance. The peculiar ball of light was odd enough that the seasoned captain exclaimed "wow" at its weirdness as he marveled that "it's very bright now." Although the object vanished from sight a few seconds later, it returned to the sky shortly thereafter and continued to puzzle the pilots watching it. Their confusion was compounded when the orb was suddenly joined by a second similar object, which elicited cries from the flight crew in a manner one might expect from people at a fireworks show.

"Guys, this is not a joke," Van Pangemanan assured his audience when later detailing his experience in the video. "What is it in the sky and dancing," he wondered, conceding that what the crew saw "is still a mystery." To that end, Van Pangemanan explained that they initially thought the bright object could have been another terrestrial aircraft, "but it wasn't on our radar," which also precluded the possibility that the anomalies were drones. The pilot indicated that they also eliminated stars or satellites as possible explanations due to how the orbs moved. Ultimately, Van Pangemanan mused that the anomalies were simply UFOs. What do you make of the pilot's tantalizing footage? Weigh in with your thoughts on the crew saw at the C2C Facebook page.