Watch: 'Alien Hand' Found on Beach in Brazil

By Tim Binnall

A couple walking along a beach in Brazil were understandably aghast when they stumbled upon the skeletal remains of an eerie appendage that has been likened to the hand of an alien. The very weird discovery was reportedly made earlier this month as Leticia Gomes Santiago and her boyfriend Devanir Souza were visiting the coastal community of Ilha Comprida. Hoping for a romantic seaside getaway, their day took a decidedly different turn when they spotted the bony oddity sitting in the sand. Sharing footage of the frightening find online, Santiago mused that "we think it is not human because of the size and amount of bones. What could it possibly be?"

The bewildered beachgoer went on to observe that the creepy appendage was "very big" and jokingly declared that "we don't know what animal it is, even worse if it's an alien." While some might have been satisfied simply filming the weird find, the couple showed a remarkable level of inquisitiveness and bravery as Santiago actually picked up the unsettling object and held it next to her flip flop in order to show the considerable size of the puzzling discovery. Amazingly, they then decided to take the gruesome remains home with them as some kind of macabre memento from their trip.

Upon returning to town, they showed the appendage to local residents, who offered a variety of theories for what the weird object could be with some echoing Santiago's fears that it was alien in nature while another posited that perhaps it had come from a mermaid. The couple's footage subsequently went viral online and caught the attention of marine biologist Eric Comin, who indicated that the limb had most likely come from an aquatic mammal, specifically a dolphin. While the weird object may have a down-to-Earth origin, one presumes that the couple will keep the eye-catching appendage, since it will undoubtedly make for a great conversation starter next time they welcome guests into their home.