Watch: Beachgoer Films Nessie?

By Tim Binnall

A visit to the shore of Loch Ness to enjoy some warm weather turned into a rather remarkable outing for one beachgoer who suspects that they may have captured the infamous 'monster' said to lurk in the waters of the legendary site. The unnamed individual says that the odd sighting occurred back in early June, but a video of the incident only surfaced online a few days ago. According to the witness, the day began as a normal visit to the beach until later in the afternoon when "we looked at the water and saw something unusual."

That odd sight was what looks to be a series of humps protruding from the water and then sinking back below the surface. According to the witness, the oddity appeared to be around twenty feet long. "I just really couldn’t believe my eyes," they marveled. Despite being amazed by what they were seeing, the quick-thinking onlooker pulled out their phone and, fortunately, filmed the strange scene.

Skeptics will undoubtedly say that the anomalies are simply waves created by boats on the water, but the witness claims that could not be the case, explaining that "the beach was quiet at the time and no boats were out." Indeed, there don't seem to be any signs of boats in the area where the possible creature had been seen. What, exactly, the weirdness filmed by the beachgoer may have been is a mystery, although we may find out in a few months the results of the Loch Ness DNA study are revealed.