Watch: Bigfoot Photographed Near Lake on Navajo Nation?

By Tim Binnall

A compelling photograph from the Navajo Nation shows what appears to be the silhouette of a sizeable figure that the witness believes to have been Bigfoot. The intriguing picture was reportedly snapped last month by an individual fishing at Tsalie Lake on the reservation situated in Arizona. "I noticed movement on the left side of my peripheral vision," recalled the witness, who indicated that he rose to his feet to better look at the interloper and observed "something reddish with lots of hair" approximately 750 feet away.

Uncertain as to what he was seeing, the man snapped a few photos of the hirsute figure as it moved across a field of five-foot-tall bushes toward the lake before seemingly changing its mind and returning to the nearby forest. "It made no sound," the witness reported, "but the way it walked was not like a person. It had big strides." Based on fence posts that the creature passed during its stroll, the man estimated that the suspected Sasquatch was around six or seven feet tall. "It was a surreal moment for me," he mused, noting that "we do have sightings here in the Chuska mountains area here on the reservation." What do you make of his photo? Share your thoughts with us at the C2C Facebook page.

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