Watch: Blue Triangle-Shaped UFO Filmed Over Croatian City

By Tim Binnall

A puzzling piece of footage out of Croatia shows what appears to be a blue triangular UFO hovering in the sky over a city. The strange scene was reportedly captured early Wednesday morning in the community of Rijeka by a bewildered witness who noticed the bizarre object overhead and managed to film it with their cell phone. Musing that the "triangle-shaped object in bright blue color" seemed solid, the observer conceded that they could not be certain of that assessment and wondered if the weird anomaly might be a meteorological phenomenon or something similarly prosaic such as moonlight.

Dismissing the possibility that the object was a drone "because the wind was high and it stayed stationary," the witness indicated that they watched it hover in place for approximately ten minutes before they went on with their evening. Intriguingly, a trio of time-lapse webcams watching over Rijeka appeared to have also captured a curious blue illumination in the sky at the time of the incident. However, rather than provide clarity on what the strange object could have been, the additional perspectives (showcased in the video above) only serve to make the azure anomaly all the more mystifying. What do you make the strange case from Croatia? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.

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