Watch: Child's Spirit Pushes Shopping Carriage Into Ghost Hunter's Car?

By Tim Binnall

A Texas man believes that a shopping carriage was sent careening into his car by the spirit of a child that became attached to him during a recent ghost hunt. The weird incident reportedly occurred last month as Coby Todd was leaving his job at a grocery store near the city of Dallas. Moments before heading home, he felt a shopping carriage inexplicably hit his car and initially "thought someone had tossed it at me," however no one was around when he exited the vehicle. Curious about what had just happened, Todd went back inside the store to check their security footage and was left mystified by what he saw.

In the footage, Todd can be seen nonchalantly walking past the carriage en route to his Ford Mustang. When he reaches the vehicle, the cart suddenly turns and begins making a beeline in his direction. Remarkably, the carriage deftly maneuvers past a car next to his as if it is aiming specifically for Todd's car with which it ultimately collides. Astounded by the strange scene, the young man filmed the footage on the store's security monitor with his cell phone, which wound up providing a lighthearted soundtrack to the situation as his amused co-worker can be heard narrating the moment wherein he somehow 'offended the ghost.'

To that end, Todd suspects that he knows the source of the force that pushed the carriage into his car. On the day prior to the incident, he visited a purportedly haunted house and, during the investigation, "sensed a little boy spirit that was playing around." In light of other eerie events that unfolded after that excursion, Todd believes that the ghost child actually followed him home and was responsible for the curious carriage crash. "Maybe he's not at peace yet and he was trying to let me know something," Todd mused before also suggesting that perhaps the mischievous spirit was simply "trying to play with me."

While some might chalk up the carriage's movement to the wind, he says that was actually fairly calm that day and "the building is really big, so it would have blocked off the wind anyway. That makes me even more sure it's supernatural." While skeptical observers have asserted that the young man may have faked the spooky scene using fishing line, Todd insist that is not the case and declared "it's not fake. Who is going to purposely throw a cart into their car and damage it? I just got the car and it's my baby. It put a big dent in it and it upset me." With that in mind, what do you make of the peculiar footage? Share your thoughts with us at the C2C Facebook page.