Watch: Fast-Moving UFO Filmed by Tourists in Ibiza

By Tim Binnall

An intriguing video from the Spanish island of Ibiza shows what appears to be an odd UFO that appeared in the sky near the moon and then took off at an incredible speed. According to a local media report, the peculiar footage came to light on Sunday when it was posted on the official TikTok account of the popular tourist destination. The strange sighting was said to have occurred the previous day as a group of people gathered on the beach to watch the sunset near an iconic islet known as of Es Vedra. Suddenly, their attention is diverted to a different point in the sky when a little girl cries "look, look, look" and points toward a rather sizeable orb that had appeared near the moon.

As seen in the footage above, when the witnesses turn to see the odd UFO, which resembles a hazy-looking ball of light, the object suddenly zips away in the blink of an eye, which elicits cries of astonishment from the group of onlookers. Since being posted online, the curious clip has gone viral on social media in Spain with some noting Es Vedra's long history of high strangeness, which includes UFO reports, as an indication that the object was otherworldly. However, more skeptical observers have suggested that the video may merely be a clever marketing stunt from the official Ibiza account or, failing that, some kind of meteorological phenomenon. What do you make of the footage? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.

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