Watch: Hikers Photograph Giant Humanoid Figure Climbing Mountain in Colorado?

By Tim Binnall

A pair of hikers in Colorado snapped a peculiar photo of what appears to be a huge humanoid figure climbing the side of a mountain. The intriguing image was reportedly taken last month as Jessee Clauson and Camille Avarella were on an excursion to Longs Peak. Upon returning from their trip and perusing photos from the adventure, the pair were stunned to see a rather unusual anomaly in the form of a sizeable figure in the background of one of their pictures. Based on the perceived being's position on the side of the mountain, they estimated that the eerie interloper was approximately twenty feet tall.

"‘It could be a rock," Avarella mused, "but it has all the features of something that is human." The duo subsequently posted the picture (seen isolated below) on social media, where it sparked considerable speculation as to what the weird figure-like feature could have been. While some imaginative individuals theorized that the suspected being could have been Bigfoot or perhaps an alien, more skeptical observers argued that the 'humanoid' was merely an instance of the pareidolia phenomenon. With that in mind, what do you think the duo inadvertently photographed during their hike? Weigh in with your best guess at the Coast to Coast AM Facebook page.