Watch: Little Girl Pulled by Grandmother's Ghost?

By Tim Binnall

A spooky video from Thailand shows a little girl seemingly pulled by an unseen force moments after she began speaking to a presence that her parents could not see. The eerie moment was posted on Thai social media earlier this week, though the specific date and location of the eerie event are unknown. As detailed by the Bangkok Post, which found and shared the footage on Thursday, the odd incident began when the little girl's parents saw her captivated by something outside their home. Taken aback, her mother began filming the strange scene wherein the youngster pointed towards and talked to something invisible to the adults.

Wondering if perhaps their daughter was seeing the spirit of her late grandmother, they asked if that were the case and the little girl replied in the affirmative with the chilling detail that "her eyes are red." As if that were not unsettling enough, shortly after that, as the youngster leans through the doorway, she is suddenly pulled by what appears to be an unseen force. Though one might suspect she simply stumbled, her response suggests that is not the case as the little girl cries out "Don't! Get away! Stay away!" What do you make of the creepy footage? Was the youngster yanked by a ghost or is it simply a case of supernatural misidentification? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.

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