Watch: Mexican Tire Shop Owner Filming UFO Turns Sighting into Impromptu Store Ad

By Tim Binnall

An odd video out of Mexico shows the moment when a quick-thinking tire shop owner used the appearance of a UFO in the sky to promote his store. According to a local media report, the peculiar sighting occurred last weekend in the city of Guadalajara when multiple witnesses spotted the mysterious saucer-shaped object overhead. As seen in the footage above, several individuals began filming the strange craft with their cell phones, though one observer saw the event as a rather unique advertising opportunity for his business.

Presumably thinking that his UFO video might go viral, the man mused "here comes my client on the flying saucer" and then panned the camera over to the front of his tire store. One imagines that the impromptu ad wound up being far more successful than he likely imagined as the clever scene spread like wildfire on social media. The footage has so far amassed a staggering six million views on TikTok with many applauding the shop owner for his clever 'commercial,' while others expressed astonishment that he turned his attention away from the otherworldly sight in order to plug his store.

Fortunately for those hoping to get a better look at the UFO that spawned the viral video, the account also posted a second scene (seen below) that provides a longer view of the curious craft. In the peculiar footage, the saucer-shaped object can be seen floating across the sky in a manner suggesting that the peculiar object may have been a balloon, though as of now its true nature remains a mystery. What do you think was filmed over the tire store in Guadalajara? Weigh in with your theory at the C2C Facebook page.

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