Watch: Multiple Witnesses Film String of Multicolored Lights in Sky Over Colombian City

By Tim Binnall

Earlier this week, several witnesses spotted a strange string of multicolored lights that mysteriously appeared in the night sky over the Colombian city of Bogotá. The intriguing mass sighting, which reportedly occurred on Monday evening, was filmed by multiple individuals who promptly posted their footage to social media, causing something of a stir online in the country. The bewildering string of multicolored lights hung in the night sky for several seconds as people watched the weird sight and wondered what they were seeing. Strangely, one video from the incident (seen below) suggests that the curious illuminated cluster simply 'shut off' and suddenly vanished.

As for what the peculiar set of colorful lights could have been, some have argued that the aerial anomaly was an alien visitation or some kind of clandestine project akin to the long-discussed Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory. More skeptical-minded observers posited that the UFOs could have been drones or possibly Starlink satellites. That said, the latter theory is doubtful as, while they are often mistaken for something otherworldly, the SpaceX craft are white rather than multicolored. Other possibilities put forward by people online are that the objects were space junk or simply a light show emanating from somewhere in the city. What do you think appeared in the sky over Bogotá on Monday night? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.

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