Watch: Mystery Creature Filmed in Argentine City Sparks Supernatural Speculation

By Tim Binnall

A peculiar piece of footage from Argentina shows a mysterious creature clambering along a wall and some suspect that the strange animal is supernatural in nature. The puzzling video was reportedly filmed earlier this month in the city of Feliciano by a man who spotted the oddity shortly after exiting his home. Bewildered by what he was seeing, he managed to film the curious creature with his cell phone and promptly posted the footage online. Although the man's video is admittedly hard to decipher, it caused something of a stir among residents who claim to have also encountered the creature and offered a rather fantastic description of its appearance.

According to those witnesses, the mysterious animal (seen isolated below) resembles a bear but has no fur on its face. Additionally, those who have come across the creature say that it appears to be the size of a calf and has no tail. While the mysterious creature may simply be a sickly dog or some other prosaic critter, some residents have offered a supernatural explanation for the animal, positing that it is actually a folkloric form of werewolf known as a lobizon. According to South American lore, such an entity comes about when a family has an unbroken string of seven boys, which causes the unfortunate seventh son to be stricken with a curse that causes them to become stricken with a lycanthropic curse.