Watch: Nessie Spotted Again on New Webcam?

By Tim Binnall

A virtual Nessie hunter with a penchant for spotting odd anomalies by way of the Loch Ness webcam has once again caught a glimpse of something unusual at the famed Scottish site. Credited with over a dozen potential Nessie sightings over the last few years, Ireland's Eoin O'Faodhagain has become something of a master at documenting curious abnormalities that crop up on livestreams overlooking Loch Ness. His most recent success reportedly occurred last Thursday afternoon as he was watching the feed from one of the newly installed webcams at the site and noticed a rather intriguing shape emerge from the water.

The oddity, which can be seen above, appears to be a long black object that protruded from the water at various points. Estimating that the peculiar anomaly was approximately 20 to 30 feet in length, O'Faodhagain says that he had hoped to get a video of the virtual sighting, "but the object disappeared in seconds and never reappeared," leaving him with only a single screen capture of the potential creature which he described as serpentine or eel-like. Acknowledging skeptics who will say that he simply spotted a wave, the webcam watcher argued that such natural disturbances on the water "only tend to dissipate up to a half an hour after first seen, this object was up and gone in seconds."

Alas, O'Faodhagain's recent sighting will almost certainly not be added to this year's tally at the Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register as the website has enacted a particularly stringent standard for webcam reports wherein one must capture "footage of clear facial features of an unknown creature" in order to have their case be deemed worthy of inclusion. Fortunately, that has not dissuaded the virtual Nessie hunter from continuing his search for the creature from the comfort of his own home and posting his possible sightings on YouTube. What do you think of O'Faodhagain's latest sighting? Share your thoughts with us at the C2C Facebook page.