Watch: Odd UFO Filmed Over Mexican City Purportedly Protected by Aliens

By Tim Binnall

A peculiar piece of footage from Mexico shows an odd UFO moving across the sky over a city that many believe to be protected by aliens. The mysterious object was reportedly filmed last month by a witness in the community of Tampico. In the video, featured above, a small dark shape can be seen slowly moving across the sky, occasionally flickering, and then ultimately vanishing from sight. While skeptical online observers have suggested that the hard-to-see anomaly could simply be a bird or a balloon, other viewers argued that it is alien in nature and point to the longstanding legend that there is an ET base located near Tampico.

The strange assertion, which made headlines back in 2020, contends that the state of Tamaulipas, where Tampico is located, is protected from hurricanes by aliens who established a secret outpost in the area decades ago. The wild theory has had something of a resurgence this week after Hurricane Beryl weirdly diverted course and wound up missing the region, which has reportedly occurred on several occasions with similar sizeable storms. Meteorologists say that the phenomenon is due to natural water temperatures off the coast of Tamaulipas rather than a clandestine alien presence, but not everyone is sold on that scientific explanation.