By Tim Binnall
Two separate viral videos filmed in Mexico purportedly show what appear to be giant figures standing atop sizeable hills in different parts of the country. According to a local media report, the strangeness started late last month when a TikTok user uploaded footage (seen below) of an enormous entity walking along a hill in the city of Tlalnepantla. Although it is uncertain who filmed the video and when exactly the sighting occurred, it spread like wildfire on social media with many marveling at the staggering size of the figure and wondering if it could have been a Bigfoot. Shortly thereafter, a second piece of footage showing a similar 'giant' emerged online and also went viral.
This video (seen above) is considerably clearer than the first and was said to have been filmed by an astonished truck driver as he was passing through the state of Aguascalientes. Oddly enough, it would seem that the scene had actually been posted online last March and resurfaced at the start of 2023, seemingly in response to the furor surrounding the Tlalnepantla footage. In the video, the witness can reportedly be heard saying, "the giants invade us" as he watches the weird figure standing at the summit of the hill. As one might imagine, the footage spawned another round of speculation from viewers only who posited that perhaps this oddity was also Sasquatch.
Both videos have garnered considerable media interest in Mexico with some observers echoing the theory that the figures may be Bigfoot, while other simply call them 'giants.' Skeptics, of course, argue that both pieces of footage are clever hoaxes or merely the result of a normal-sized person appearing larger-than-life due to the perspective of the person behind the camera. That said, the pair of videos have drawn comparison to a similar case that made headlines last year, wherein a bewildered witness filmed what he believed to be a giant standing atop a mountain in Canada. With that in mind, what do you make of the two pieces of footage? Share your thoughts with us at the C2C Facebook page.