By Tim Binnall
The proprietors of a purportedly haunted hotel in Texas have shared several pieces of security camera footage which, they believe, show paranormal activity unfolding within the establishment. The Jefferson Hotel was constructed over a century ago in the community of Jefferson and, by virtue of its rich and colorful history, has developed a reputation for being the home of a variety of ghostly figures. As one might imagine, the site is a popular destination for paranormal enthusiasts hoping to encounter some high strangeness and the staff of the establishment understandably have their own tales of the spirits they seemingly work alongside every day.
To that end, the hotel's YouTube channel posted a fairly compelling video last week wherein they showcased some eerie incidents that were recently captured by the site's security cameras. While narrating the collection, the employee from the establishment marvels that "you're not gonna believe some of this. I don't even believe it, myself, but we try to debunk the best we can." One of the moments in the video features some boxes in the kitchen being thrown around by an unseen force and a bunch of bananas that are tossed across the room. At around the same as that was occurring, another camera picked up an inexplicable flash of light appearing in a different room of the hotel.
Unlike a myriad of alleged paranormal videos from other locations that are said to be haunted, the hotel does a commendable job of attempting to get to the bottom of the odd activity by examining the footage prior to the incidents in the hopes of picking up any clues which might account what is seen in the video. They even go so far as to visit where the activity took place and look for prosaic explanations for the anomalous events. However, the 'investigation' produces no sign of any shenanigans behind the spooky events nor any other indication of what could have caused them, leaving the viewer to draw their own conclusions. With that in mind, what do you make of the hotel's video? Share your thoughts with us at the C2C Facebook page.