Watch: Puzzling UFOs Filmed Over California City by Two Separate Witnesses

By Tim Binnall

Two separate people in a California city captured footage of curious UFOs that they spotted hovering over their community. The puzzling pair of sightings came to light earlier this week when a local TV station shared the story of Clovis resident Jason Beard, who spotted something unusual in the sky back on October 22nd. "It was going really fast," he recalled, "it was spinning, and it had like something under, like a ball." Fortunately, the bewildered witness managed to film the aerial anomaly which happened to be sharing the sky with an airplane at the time and he observed that the two objects were "like apples and oranges" in comparison.

After the footage was posted online, a self-described UFO specialist enhanced the video, which seemed to reveal something akin to an energy ring rather than a solid craft. Musing that the anomaly looked "ancient" and "unhuman," Beard dismissed prosaic explanations offered for the oddity and declared "I've seen everything in the sky from growing up, and this was just ... it was nothing I've ever seen before." Shortly after his video was featured on the local news, a second witness came forward with her own UFO footage that she had captured just a few days before his sighting.

In this instance (detailed in a TV segment below), Espi Morales was reportedly heading home on the morning of October 19th when she saw "a bright round dot in the sky just moving across." The witness noted that the object was silent and its light was steady rather than blinking or pulsating. Morales explained that the news segment on Beard's sighting led her to come forward with the footage from her sighting as she believes that they both observed the same object on two different days. Remarkably, she echoed his assessment of the anomaly by also dismissing prosaic explanations such as a drone or a satellite. What do you think the two different witnesses filmed over Clovis? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.

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