By Tim Binnall
A rather fantastic piece of footage from Brazil provides a remarkably clear look at a flying saucer spotted hovering in the sky. The curious scene is said to have been filmed this past Sunday in the city of Curitiba. Sharing their video online, the bewildered witness mused that "I never believed in UFOs" until seeing the strange saucer-shaped object. Initially suspecting that the aerial anomaly could be a drone, they indicated that the apparent lack of any propellers caused them to dismiss that theory. Similarly, the witness observed that the object seemed to move in a straight line, which made them doubtful that the flying saucer was a balloon.
They also noted that the UFO appeared to sport some sort of landing gear, though that detail is hard to discern from the video despite its strikingly clear view of the curious craft. While the witness may have dispelled with the notion that the flying saucer was a drone or balloon, skeptical viewers will undoubtedly point to those two prosaic possibilities as an explanation for the anomalous object. Others, of course, opt to believe that the UFO could be otherworldly in nature or perhaps some kind of clandestine craft. What do you think the puzzling flying saucer seen over Curitiba could have been? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.