Watch: Russian Fisherman Snags Bizarre 'Alien' Fish

By Tim Binnall

A Russian fisherman could not believe his eyes when he snagged a bizarre-looking denizen of the deep that resembled the head of an alien. The nightmarish catch was reportedly made by Roman Fedortsov during an expedition in the northern Pacific Ocean. The deep sea fisherman promptly shared footage (seen above) of the fantastic creature on social media, where he has developed a sizeable following thanks to an array of posts showcasing oddities he has encountered.

The video of his latest catch quickly went viral with many likening the bulbous fish to an alien's head or the villainous Krang from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. Meanwhile, others joked that perhaps Fedortsov had been trawling too close to Chernobyl. Of course, the catch was not an otherworldly visitor nor an ungodly mutation as the seasoned fisherman indicated that the creature was a type of fish known colloquially as a 'smooth lumpsucker.' A similar jaw-dropping specimen was reeled in by C2C listener Kiki, who shared her photo of the astounding animal with us in 2011.

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