Watch: Security Camera Films Eerie Shadow Figure in Costa Rican Street

By Tim Binnall

A security camera watching over an intersection in Costa Rica captured footage of what appears to be an eerie shadow figure walking across the street. The peculiar video was reportedly filmed at around 4 AM last Friday morning the neighborhood of San Cayetano, which is located in the city of San Jose. In the footage, a puzzling shadowy form suddenly manifests in the middle of the road and appears to erratically walk through the intersection. The video was subsequently posted online and quickly went viral on social media in Costa Rica with opinions on the odd scene largely divided between those who suspect the anomaly is supernatural in nature and more skeptical observers arguing that the 'apparition' is possibly an insect or something similarly prosaic.

Intriguingly, when local authorities were asked about the curious scene, they indicated that their security cameras in the area did not detect anything unusual that evening. That said, residents of the neighborhood contend that ghostly activity is a frequent occurrence at that particular location, which is what prompted them to install the monitoring devices. Meanwhile, purported paranormal experts consulted by a Costa Rican media outlet have noted that the anomaly appears to move at ground level and argued that this would preclude the source of the shadow being a person or bird, since they would also be seen in the video. What do you make of the puzzling footage? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.