Watch: Security Camera Films Ghostly Incident at Notoriously Haunted West Virginia Asylum

By Tim Binnall

A security camera at a notoriously haunted West Virginia asylum captured footage of a peculiar incident that some suspect could have been caused by one of the site's resident ghosts. The puzzling event reportedly occurred last Friday evening at the infamous Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in the city of Weston. The psychiatric hospital housed thousands of patients from 1864 until it was shuttered in 1994. Given its long history, the building is believed by many to be haunted by the spirits of former patients, particularly those who perished at the site and were buried on the property.

In modern times, the asylum serves as a historical and paranormal tourist attraction, complete with a gift shop offering all manner of memorabilia to commemorate one's visit to the spooky site. In the security footage overlooking the empty room last Friday evening, one can see what appear to be framed pictures tumbling to the floor and smashing into pieces. What perturbed the proprietors of the tourist attraction is that the weird event occurred approximately two hours after they had closed for the day.

To that end, when they shared the video on their Facebook page on Sunday afternoon, they marveled that "we are not sure what's going on here, both doors are locked and the windows are all closed." As one might imagine, many viewers mused that the pictures may have been knocked to the ground by a ghost, perhaps as a protest against their time of suffering being commercialized. More skeptical observers posited that the event was merely a natural accident that is being cleverly highlighted by the asylum to kick off the summer tourist season. With that in mind, what do you make of the weird security footage? Share your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.