Watch: Security Camera Films Shapeshifter Transforming from Dog to Person?

By Tim Binnall

A bizarre piece of security camera footage from Mexico shows what appears to be a dog transforming into a person who, some have surmised, is a supernatural shapeshifter. The very weird video reportedly popped up on social media last week with the claim that it was filmed in the state of Veracruz, though no further details surrounding the strange scene have surfaced since. Be that as it may, the footage is undeniably fantastic. In the video, a dog can be seen running into an empty backyard. As it swiftly moves through the property, it turns into a white blur that then transforms into a nearly transparent person who seems to become more solid while running out of view and ultimately vanishing from sight.

Since being posted online, the video has gone viral on social media in Mexico with all manner of theories being offered for what the security system filmed. Some suggested that the mysterious individual was a shapeshifting entity from Mesoamerican folklore known as a Nahual and that the camera caught the moment when it transformed from a dog into a human. More skeptical viewers have posited that the footage was probably either a curious camera glitch or, failing that, a fabrication, which is entirely possible considering the lack of details surrounding the scene. With that in mind, what do you make of the video? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.

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