Watch: Shadow Person with Tail Filmed in Philippines?

By Tim Binnall

A weird video circulating on social media in the Philippines shows what appears to be a shadow person sporting a long tail. The curious piece of footage, which was reportedly captured by a security camera overlooking a residence in the municipality of Tolosa sometime last week, was posted online this past Sunday by homeowner Dennis Colasito. In the video, a diminutive shadow figure can be seen dashing across a balcony in front of a window. While it initially seems to be just a youngster making their way along the landing, one can see that it has a long tail that is revealed just moments before it vanishes from sight.

Shortly after being posted online, Colasito's video spread like wildfire on social media in the Philippines with many viewers suggesting that the figure in the footage was some kind of supernatural being. For his part, the homeowner claimed that he had never seen such a thing picked up by the security system. That said, more skeptical observers have posited that the footage could merely be a clever hoax or, failing that explanation, a literal trick of light and shadow that made it appear as if the figure had a tail. What do you make of the very perplexing scene? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.