Watch: Strange Viral Video Shows Woman 'Frozen in Time' While Walking Down Street

By Tim Binnall

A peculiar piece of footage circulating online shows a woman seemingly frozen in time and some viewers suspect that the eerie moment was a proverbial glitch in the matrix. Little is known about the circumstances surrounding the odd video, which was reportedly shared on TikTok last week by a user believed to be in the United Kingdom. In the footage, the woman appears to be stuck in mid-stride as she strolls down the sidewalk and the bewildered witness exclaims "Why is she frozen?" Although she resumes walking a few seconds later, the individual who filmed the video claims that she had remained still "for a minute."

Since being posted online, the video has spread like wildfire and amassed millions of views as people debate what exactly is unfolding in the footage. Noting the way in which the woman's hair even seems to be frozen, many people have suggested that she somehow got caught in some kind of time glitch. That said, more skeptical viewers have argued that the puzzling scene is either a computer generated hoax or, failing that, perhaps a hoax orchestrated by the woman and the man behind the camera. What do you think of the mystifying footage? Weigh in with your thoughts at the Coast to Coast AM Facebook page.