Watch: Weird 'Alien' Object Spotted in Sky Over California City

By Tim Binnall

A peculiar piece of footage from California features a weird alien-looking object that was spotted hovering in the sky over a city. According to a local media report, the strange scene was captured by a bewildered resident of Fresno earlier this month and subsequently shared on the localized social media site NextDoor. In the footage, the eerie object floats around the sky in an almost undulating fashion, revealing what appear to be tentacles that some observers have likened to the insect-like appendages of aliens featured in films like Arrival and War of the Worlds.

As for what the object could have, the more prevalent explanation offered by skeptical viewers is that the UFO is simply just a kite. That said, not everyone is convinced of that prosaic solution to the mystery. To that end, one online observer argued that "it's pretty high up in the air changing forms. If it were a kite, it's large enough that it would need a plane to fly it up that high. I don't see what is making it change directions without some kind of help." With that in mind, what do you think the witness filmed over Fresno? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.