Watch: Weirdly Shaped UFO Filmed in Taiwan

A witness in Taiwan captured curious footage of a weirdly shaped UFO that appeared hovering in the sky over a city. The odd sighting reportedly occurred last Friday morning in the community of Hualien. Appearing to be a golden metallic color and sporting something of a rounded cube shape, the puzzling object was filmed by an individual who noticed it overhead while stopped in traffic. Fortunately, the quick-thinking witness captured a brief video of the peculiar UFO before driving away with more questions than answers.

The motorist subsequently posted it on social media in Taiwan, where it has gone viral, spawning an array of observations and theories. Some have noted that the strangely shaped UFO seems to resemble mysterious UAPs filmed in the Middle East by US military drones. As such, some have speculated that the mysterious object could be a clandestine craft perhaps of the drone variety. Others have dismissed the case as merely a matter of misidentification with the 'UFO' simply being an errant balloon. As of yet, no official explanation has been provided for the Hualien object, leaving the footage open to one's own interpretation. With that in mind, what do you make of the video? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.

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