By Tim Binnall
In an odd story out of Wales, a woman believes that the ghost of her late dog has been encouraging her cat to repeatedly snatch a stuffed teddy bear from a nearby graveyard. According to a local media report, the strangeness began when Rachel Masterman's pet feline, Demo, dropped the toy on her doorstep in the community of Caldicot. This was not particularly weird since the cat "is known for taking things from the graveyard. It's a stone's throw away, and she's a kleptomaniac," but what happened next left the animal's owner truly bewildered.
By way of a local Facebook group, Masterman managed to locate the person who had originally placed the teddy bear at the cemetery and dutifully returned the toy shortly thereafter. The following day, to her profound surprise, she "opened the door, and it was there again." When she shared the strange turn of events online, Masterman says, some people responded by suggesting that "it might be a sign," which led her to reach out to a psychic for some insight. At the clairvoyant's request, she provided several pictures of departed loved ones, including an image of Jack, her recently deceased dog. "I tried not to give anything away," she stressed, "I just let her say things."
Amazingly, Masterman recalled, the medium indicated that "it was something to do with the dog" and asked if the animal had recently passed away. The psychic went on to reveal that "the cat is bringing the toy from Jack." This eerie explanation caused her to break down and cry before experiencing a "warm glow" that she attributed to her departed dog. That comforting feeling was no doubt compounded the next day when, once again, the cat snatched the teddy bear from the graveyard and brought it back to the Masterman's home. "I think it's a message from Jack," she mused, noting that the dog "got on really well with Demo. They had a very special relationship, it was lovely."