Woman Allegedly Unleashes Swarm of Bees Upon Police During Eviction Dispute

By Tim Binnall

In a bizarre story out of Massachusetts, a woman was arrested for allegedly unleashing a swarm of bees upon police officers who were attempting to serve an eviction notice. The very strange incident reportedly occurred last Wednesday morning outside of a residence in the community of Longmeadow. What should have been a routine stop to deliver some paperwork quickly turned into a full blown fracas when, while waiting for the homeowner to arrive, deputies from the Hampden County Sheriff’s Department were confronted by a woman who apparently took issue with the eviction and had a rather wild way of showing her displeasure.

According to a police report, Rorie Susan Woods arrived at the residence in an SUV towing a trailer that was filled with bee hives. Authorities say that she "exited her vehicle and went to the back of the trailer and started shaking bee hives to let the bees out." A deputy watching the weirdness unfold rushed over to stop Woods, but it was too late as she managed to smash the cover of the container holding the nest. This led to hundreds of the agitated insects filling the air and caused the officer to retreat from the scene after being stung in the face. Amazingly, cops say, Woods then put on a beekeeper suit and set about stacking three more hives upon the doorstep of the home to presumably prevent police from entering the residence.

In the midst of the melee, the police report states, multiple people wound up being stung, including three unfortunate individuals who are allergic to bee stings. After some struggle, Woods was finally taken into custody and showed no remorse for what she had done. According to authorities, when informed that "several officers were allergic to bees," the woman witheringly replied, "oh, you’re allergic? Good." As one might imagine, she now face multiple charges of assault with a dangerous weapon in the form of the swarm of bees which ironically wound up finding freedom as a result of their former keeper's ill-advised protest.