You Might Be a Coast To Coast Fan If...

In celebration of their one year anniversary, Luna Bella from the NightHawk Zone(1) shares her new list, You Might Be a Coast To Coast Fan If...

  • Your pet parakeet knows the phrase, "Good morning, good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation, around the world."
  • You have pictures of George, Art, and Ian hanging over your fireplace.
  • Chatting in the during each live Coast To Coast broadcast is more important than sleeping, eating or work.
  • Instead of being disgusted at hearing the phrases, "boiling pits of sewage," "glonal warming," "devil's mouthpiece" or "pornografied," you break out in a fit of laughter.
  • You're reading this at 3:30 AM while chugging down a can of Vault.
  • You use the phrase, "There's no coincidences" more than once a week.
  • You have refused to watch the Emmy Awards since Predictions with George Noory was snubbed for Best Show.
  • You saw your cat's lips moving, and you're positive he's trying to communicate with you.
  • You bought a TIVO so you could record the Sci-Fi channel while you chat in the NightHawk Zone while listening to Coast To Coast.
  • At lunch your alphabet soup spells out the name "Oscar" and you panic!

Read Luna Bella's previous list, You're a REAL C2C Fan If...

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