Zimbabwean Cops Abandon Police Station Due to Alleged Goblin Attacks

By Tim Binnall

A police station in Zimbabwe sits abandoned after cops refused to remain in the building due to what they claim are goblins tormenting them at all hours of the night. According to a local media report, the bizarre case came to light late last month when officers in the community of Bulilima informed their superiors of the strange supernatural situation. "We built a police station for the officers, and initially, they patrolled in pairs," a local official said, "however, they haven't been able to stay for extended periods" due to the persistent presence of the pernicious entities.

Specifically, the concerned cops explained that they were being "harassed" by the goblins in the form of physical attacks, "doors opening on their own, and things climbing on the roof" to the point that they found it "impossible to sleep" in the building. In a testament to how such supernatural entities are taken seriously in Zimbabwe, the officers' superiors pledged that "they wouldn’t endanger them further" and ordered the station to be abandoned. Alas, attempts to find an alternative base for the police proved futile, leading local officials to express hope that they could somehow convince the frightened cops to come back to the goblin-haunted building.