Ted Davis

Ted Davis has been interested in UFOs for as long as he can remember. In the mid 1990's, Ted began working with Budd Hopkins and the Intruders Foundation (IF) and during his 10 years with IF, he learned the ins and outs of UFO investigation from Budd, one of the best researchers the field has ever known. During this time, Ted worked alongside Oliver von Kemenczky and together they ran IF's advisory committee for years. In 2006, Ted and Oliver branched out, forming their own researcher group, New York Strange Phenomena Investigators (NY-SPI) with the goal of focusing on scientific investigation of UFO-related phenomena.


Past Shows:

  • Weather Modification

    Author and lecturer Jerry E. Smith discussed his investigation into weather modification, touching on such topics as HAARP, contrails, chemtrails, and global warming.More »