Hal Lindsey

Hal Lindsey

Hal Lindsey is the best-selling author of 20 books, and is recognized as one of the leading authorities in the world on Bible prophecy.



Past Shows:

  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 4/29/02, when author Hal Lindsey discussed humankind's first religion and the Antichrist.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 4/29/02 when Hal Lindsey discussed Bible prophecy and End Times. Legendary singer Nancy Sinatra appears in the first hour.More »
  • Bible Prophecy

    Hal Lindsey's influential book The Late Great Planet Earth described the undeniable signs of the end times: the rebirth of Israel, war in the Middle East, natural disasters, and many others. He discussed how current events are now lining up with Bible prophecy in an...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to February 9, 1999 for a conversation with Hal Lindsey about the Antichrist and biblical prophecy.More »
  • End Times & the Antichrist

    Bible prophecy expert Hal Lindsey discussed how current events are shaping up to what looks like 'end times,' which will lead us into a world war or Armageddon. Among the biblical prophecy indicators, he pointed to the increase in earthquakes and superstorms. Wilma, Rita and...More »
  • Next Stop Armageddon

    "The time is coming when all that is familiar and all that we hold dear is going to be taken away," biblical prophecy expert Hal Lindsey said.More »
  • Bible Prophecy

    Hal Lindsey discusses Bible prophecy and End Times. In the first hour, Art chats with Nancy Sinatra.More »