Steve Quayle

Steve Quayle

Steve Quayle is a researcher and author of over a dozen books dealing with advanced ancient technology and civilizations. His documentary film production company Gensix Productions films the "True Legends The Series" all over the world in search of the Lost Cities and the giants of history who were the builders of great ancient megalithic structures. Steve is a former talk-radio host who has been warning against genetic armageddon and the end of the human race for decades. He claims transhumanism and the hybrid age is the most dangerous advancement in the technological war against humanity in history.




Past Shows:

  • Symbols, AI, & Fallen Angels / Witchcraft & Tarot

    Researcher Steve Quayle delved into the intersection of ancient symbols, AI, and biblical prophecy. Followed by spiritual teacher Sabrina Scott on her use of witchcraft and Tarot cards.More »
  • Hidden Histories / Shroud of Turin

    Researcher Steve Quayle discussed a range of extraordinary topics focusing on hidden and ancient histories, unexplained phenomena, and what he believes are the implications for the future. In the first hour, David Rolfe discussed the Shroud of Turin.More »
  • Ancient 'Alien' Artifacts / ET Interactions

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle discussed his new documentary exploring ancient 'alien' artifacts. Followed by UFO researcher and experiencer Tony Topping on his ET encounters and missions.More »
  • Alien-Egyptian Connection / The Authentic Self

    Researcher Steve Quayle discussed an alien/Egyptian connection, recounting artifacts discovered on his latest expedition. Followed by shaman Adam C. Hall, who discussed unlearning fear-based thinking to reveal the authentic self.More »
  • Extinction Events / Ghostly Phenomena

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle warned over extinction protocols - things currently in play that can destroy humanity. Followed by psychic investigator John Russell on cloudbusting and haunted houses and objects.More »
  • Mega-Drought / Names & Color Codes

    Researcher Steve Quayle discussed his latest work on the drought plaguing the US West. Followed by B. P. Greycastle who has correlated personality and success with names and color codes.More »
  • Alien Symbols / Forgiveness & Brain Waves

    Author Steve Quayle updated his work on alien symbols and glyphs, and outlined his theory of the role of aliens in human history. Followed by James V. Hardt, who discussed genuine forgiveness and its connection to alpha brain waves.More »
  • Antarctica Secrets / Dream Work

    Researcher Steve Quayle shared Antarctica secrets and details of Admiral Byrd's exploration. Followed by analyst Layne Dalfen with tools on how to interpret our nightly dreams.More »
  • Biblical Prophecy and Current Events / Spirits & Hauntings

    Steve Quayle correlated biblical prophecy with current plagues, wars. and earth changes. Followed by Morgan Knudsen on the connection between hauntings and the living.More »
  • Cascadia Volcano Dangers / Life of Edgar Mitchell

    Steve Quayle warned of volcanic activity along the Cascadia region. Followed by Cheryll Jones with her interview of William Rauscher about Edgar Mitchell.More »
  • Cascadia Fault Threat / JFK Special XVI

    Steve Quayle warned of the dangers along the Cascadia fault lines. Followed by Prof. Paul DeBole and Ed Haslam on JFK assassination theories.More »
  • Aztec-Alien Artifacts / Lucid Dreaming & Healing

    Steve Quayle reported on possible 500-year-old Aztec artifacts with alien images. Followed by Robert Waggoner on lucid dreaming and healing.More »
  • Technology Warnings / Cannabis Healing

    Steve Quayle sounded the alarm on advances in technology and AI. Followed by Clint Werner on the healing properties of cannabis.More »
  • Artifacts Coverup/ Psychic Predictions

    Steve Quayle discussed a Smithsonian cover-up of giants and artifacts. Followed by Elizabeth Joyce with predictions of the future.More »
  • Transhumanism & Giants/ Precognitive Cancer Dreams

    Steve Quayle talked about giants, DNA, and transhumanism. Followed by Dr. Larry Burk and Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos on dreams that reveal cancer.More »
  • Giants, Chemtrails, & Transhumanism/ UFOs & Faith

    Steve Quayle shared updates on giants, transhumanism, and chemtrails. Followed by Gary Bates with a Christian-view of UFO phenomena.More »
  • Giants: Hidden Evidence/ Underground Reptilians

    Researchers Steve Quayle and Timothy Alberino shared updates on the hidden evidence for giants. Followed by John Rhodes on reptilian humanoids.More »
  • Thanksgiving Secret Door II

    On this festive night, George Noory tried to guess the identity of four surprise guests who were behind the secret door.More »
  • Giants & Prophecy/ Open Lines

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle touched on a variety of topics including the prophetic writings of Francis Bacon, evidence for giants and their underground tunnels, the alien agenda and disclosure, as well as earth changes, geopolitics, and Russia. Midweek Open Lines were...More »
  • World in Disarray

    On Tuesday's show, author and researcher Steve Quayle offered commentary on a variety of subjects, including the strange "trumpet" sounds heard worldwide, Earth changes, and ancient and alien technology used in "black physics" science. He believes that many changes we are...More »
  • Secret Nazi Empire

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle contends that Nazi SS members, scientists, and soldiers escaped with Hitler to create colonies in other parts of the world. First hour guest, renegade historian Douglas Dietrich presented information about WWII not known to the American...More »
  • ET Hybrids / Megalithic Mysteries

    In the first half of the program, alien abduction researcher Dr. David Jacobs discussed how incidents of alien abductions have accelerated along with occurrences of alien involvement in everyday human life, as if a silent and insidious invasion is underway. In the later...More »
  • Jade Helm & Giants

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle discussed details of the Jade Helm 15 exercise going on right now and also covered his ongoing research into giants, including details on an expedition to South America, and manuscripts from the Conquistadors which have been hidden for 450...More »
  • Jade Helm 15

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle discussed why many people are concerned about Jade Helm 15 - a special forces training exercise scheduled to take place this summer across seven Southwestern states. First hour guest, speaker and life coach Laurie Calzada talked about...More »
  • Giants & Little People

    Mixing together an examination of legends and fairy tales, as well as modern sightings, author and researcher Steve Quayle discussed his latest work on little people or elves, as well as giants. First hour guest, author and therapist Karen Dahlman spoke about her recent...More »
  • Gold & Currency

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle joined host Richard Syrett to discuss all things gold: the missing gold in the US., the manipulation of the gold price, China's accumulation of gold, and the possibility the next world reserve currency may be a basket of currencies, including...More »
  • Ebola Outbreak / NDEs & Consciousness

    In the first half, author and researcher Steve Quayle offered commentary and analysis on what is now officially the worst Ebola outbreak on record, as well as such topics as ISIS, bioterrorism, and earth changes. In the latter half, neurosurgeon for the last 25 years,...More »
  • Science & the Future / Ebola & Biowarfare

    In the first half, theoretical physicist, author, and popularizer of science, Dr. Michio Kaku, discussed cutting edge research into the mind, as well as news in cosmology and physics. In the latter half, author and researcher Steve Quayle talked about the Ebola outbreak,...More »
  • Bioweapons & Viruses/ Genetic Engineering

    Appearing in the first half, author and researcher Steve Quayle discussed biowarfare, a new Ebola outbreak, viruses, chemtrails, and genetic experimentation. In the latter half geneticist and science broadcaster Adam Rutherford discussed DNA and the origins of life, as well...More »
  • World Turmoil & Xenogenesis

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle contended that secret powerful forces have been aligned against humanity since ancient times, and currently manifest chaos and threats of war all over the world. He addressed how these forces hope to use genetic manipulation to create a super...More »
  • Alien Contacts

    In the second hour, longtime paranormal researcher and investigator James Carman discussed his documentary The Hidden Hand (view trailer) which explores such topics as alien abduction and human/alien hybridization. Retired Army sergeant Clifford Stone, and abductee Joni Strother...More »
  • World Turmoil & Giants

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle returned to the show to discuss a variety of topics including world events, orchestrations of the Illuminati, and his investigation into the mysteries of giants and fallen angels. First hour guest, investigative journalist William Thomas...More »
  • Legends, Secrets, & Giants

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle compared common strands in the legends of the North, Central, and South American native cultures, and found evidence for aliens or star people who bred with humans, the presence of stargates or interdimensional portals, and various creatures...More »
  • Tribulations / Overpopulation

    In the first half, author and researcher, Steve Quayle, discussed the coming worst-case scenarios approaching the world and how they are all interrelated. In the latter half, director of Generation Anthropocene, Michael Osborne, talked about how humankind's planetary...More »
  • Alien Visitations

    John B. Wells welcomed Vince Rotonda and Colet Abedi, producers from the new TV series, Unsealed Alien Files, for a discussion on mass UFO sightings, abductions, government cover-ups, and newly released documents on alien visitations. In the first hour, author and researcher...More »
  • Earth Changes

    Author and researcher, Steve Quayle, along with former FBI undercover agent, Stan Deyo, joined John B. Wells for four hours of discussion and dissection of current events, pending earth changes, the situation in Fukushima and hope for humanity.More »
  • World in Turmoil

    Filling in for George, John B. Wells (email) welcomed researcher Steve Quayle for the entire 4-hour program. He discussed disturbing trends in America and globally, the elite's agenda against humanity, as well as how we could be facing epic Earth changes & solar disruptions.More »
  • Global Turmoil / Alchemy

    In the first half, author and researcher Steve Quayle offered commentary on current events and global turmoil. There are many disruptive earth changes all converging this month such as volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and fires, he said. In the latter half, author,...More »
  • Angel Wars

    Guest host John B. Wells (email) welcomed author and researcher Steve Quayle, who discussed the secret powerful forces aligned against humanity since ancient times, and how genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics are permanently changing the world for better or worse. In the...More »
  • Mayan Calendar & Transformation

    Mayan calendar expert Carl Johan Calleman Ph.D. appeared during the middle two hours to discuss the changes he sees on the horizon and why October 28, 2011 is more important than December of 2012. First hour guest, researcher Steve Quayle reacted to a report about 5 Russian...More »
  • Investigating the Paranormal

    Reporter Steve Volk discussed how he came to reconcile an old family ghost story and the whole realm of the paranormal with the rigors of professional journalism. While growing up his family was besieged by unexplained pounding noises in their home, and in one incident the sound...More »
  • Global Turmoil & New World Order

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle discussed a variety of issues and situations including the machinations of the New World Order, turmoil in Libya and the Middle East, Japan, the potential New Madrid quake, angelic wars, and biblical prophecy. "We're at a crossroads with so...More »
  • Multiverse & Parallel Worlds

    Theoretical physicist Brian Greene discussed ideas about the multiverse and parallel worlds, as well as a variety of cosmology topics. First hour guest, Steve Quayle discussed a report which alleges that a vimana was entrapped in a "time well" in an Afghanistan caveMore »
  • Precarious World

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle riffed on a variety of topics such as giants, weather modification, secret aircraft, biblical prophecy, genetic engineering, the Illuminati agenda, and Planet X. First hour guest, earth changes expert Mitch Battros offered analysis of the...More »
  • Bigfoot, Giants, & Disasters

    Researcher Steve Quayle discussed Bigfoot cases, as well as reports of giants throughout history. He also shared concerns about environmental disasters like the oil spill. First hour guest, ecological biologist David Blume talked about how the pursuit of fossil fuels has...More »
  • Global Flashpoints & Apocalypse

    Appearing for the full 4 hours, author and researcher Steve Quayle discussed the precarious world economic situation, escalating tensions, and covert warfare, as well as how supernatural events & prophecies from the Bible are being played out.More »
  • Global Upheaval & Strange Creatures

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle discussed a variety of topics including the global implications of the pneumonic plague in Ukraine, the precarious economic situation, the dangers of the volcano Anak Krakatoa in Indonesia and the CERN collider, as well as strange creatures and...More »
  • Illuminati, Giants, & Dead Microbiologists

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle discussed a number of intertwining subjects including swine flu, dead microbiologists, fallen angels, sightings of giants, the importance of the volcano Krakatau, and the nefarious plans of what he referred to as the "global elite" or...More »
  • Flu Special

    George Noory hosted a special edition of C2C with examination and analysis of the recent swine flu outbreak. Dr. Gary Ridenour suggested that this virus could further mutate and become even more dangerous. Appearing in the latter half of the show, Alex Jones and Stephen Quayle...More »
  • Flashpoints & Giants

    Researcher Steve Quayle discussed the world's escalating flash points and his new work on giants. Regarding the multiple areas of growing tension in today's society, Quayle said, "I think a lot of the people who have been living in denial now have to...More »
  • Flashpoints, End Times & Giants

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle discussed escalating geopolitical flash points and their possible relationship to biblical prophecy and 'end times.' He also spoke about his research into UFOs, aliens, and giants. According to his military sources, there are underground...More »
  • Un-Natural Disasters & Giants

    Author and expert in survivalism Steve Quayle discussed how disasters such as the Chinese quake, the Myanmar cyclone, and the tornadoes in the U.S. have been coming fast and furious. He suggested that some of these events could be caused by weather warfare brought about by the...More »
  • Survivalism & Roget's Thesaurus

    Ian Punnett and Steve Quayle held a lively and spirited discussion on the topic of "survivalism." Callers phoned in to speak with Quayle during the last half of the show. In the first hour, author Joshua Kendall (Book Link) spoke about Roget's Thesaurus and the man whose...More »
  • World at Break Point

    AuthorSteve Quayle discussed flash points of increasing tension around the world, including military unrest, financial meltdowns, and UFO activity. A recent fireball in the Pacific Northwest wasn't actually a meteor-- it was a UFO being shot down by a black budget US military...More »
  • Weather Wars, Prophecy, & Giants

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle discussed his recent work on climate change and weather manipulation, and also touched on his interests in biblical prophecy, giants, and the mysterious deaths of microbiologists.More »
  • MJ-12 & UFO Evidence

    Expert in theology and biblical languages, Mike Heiser shared his recent research into the authenticity of the MJ-12 documents, spoke about ufological evidence in the Roswell case, and offered a critical take on Zecharia Sitchin's work.More »
  • Bird Deaths, Strange Smells & End Times

    Author Steve Quayle addressed various topics including the recent spate of bird deaths in the US and Australia and the strange smell in New York.More »
  • Giants & Little Aliens

    Author Steve Quayle spoke about a small 'alien' found in Chile and also shared his latest research on giants.More »
  • Cosmology, Physics & Science

    Writer for Science Magazine, Charles Seife, probed the mind-boggling advances that are taking us to a new understanding of the universe.More »
  • Global Agenda

    In the first half of the show, author Steve Quayle presented concerns about the globalist agenda. In the second half of the show, David Icke shared his view that a hidden global elite is seeking to control humanity.More »
  • Special: UAE Port Controversy

    In this special program, six guests addressed the controversial United Arab Emirates port deal, which would put Dubai Ports World in charge of running major US shipping ports. Maritime Master Capt. Kelly Sweeney suggested that the issue wasn't so much who owned the ports, but...More »
  • Geopolitical Update

    In the first half of the program Steve Quayle provided updates and analysis on several current events happening around the world, followed by two hours of Open Lines.More »
  • Rebroadcast: Katherine Albrecht/Steve Quayle

    In this rebroadcast, Ian Punnett chats with Katherine Albrecht on 'spy chips' from 10/1/05, followed by his interview with Steve Quayle on the history of giants, which originally aired on 8/20/05.More »
  • Giants: Evidence & Legend

    Steve Quayle returned to discuss the phenomena of giants, which he views as a "Rosetta Stone" for understanding history and genetics. Myths, legends and oral traditions of almost every culture have all talked about the time of the giants, he noted. He shared details from an...More »
  • Evening of Commentary

    In a unique Evening of Commentary, six different guests appeared, each for a half-hour time slot. After a first hour of Open Lines, Steve Quayle joined the show to discuss earth changes and civil preparedness. A recent series of quakes in the San Joaquin Valley in California...More »
  • History of Giants

    Steve Quayle discussed the origins and historical accounts of giants. In the first hour, Dr. John Abramson, a clinical instructor at the Harvard Medical School and author of Overdosed America, called the state of America's health care system a "national emergency."More »
  • Nuclear Attacks

    Experts on terrorism and nuclear weaponry, author Steve Quayle and Shane Conner of KI4U, Inc. discussed the reality of nuclear terrorism and how we can protect ourselves. Quayle said that there could be as many as 4-5 dozen terrorist nuclear weapons within the U.S., and he...More »
  • Understanding ESP

    Psychologist Dr. Sally Rhine Feather and paranormal investigator Michael Schmicker joined together to present information about ESP. In their new book, The Gift, they discuss various types of extrasensory perceptions. Dr. Feather, who is the daughter of J.B. Rhine, known as the...More »
  • Terrorism & Suitcase Nukes

    Steve Quayle shared an update on terrorism and spoke about his newest book, Lucifer's Luggage: Suitcase Nukes in America. He said his book is in response to the duplicity of information that has been given out to the public, and that even though you don't hear about it in...More »
  • Cell Phone Dangers

    Researcher William Thomas presented his investigation into the health dangers of cell phones. "It's the most dangerous personal device ever invented," he declared, comparing cell phone use to smoking. He also cited dangers from cell phone towers which are irradiating everyone...More »
  • Tsunami Special

    In this special program three different guests weighed in on the disaster that occurred after the Sumatra quake.In the first hour volcanologist R.B. Trombley of SWVRC discussed the underpinnings of earthquakes and tsunamis. In Hour 2, author Steve Quayle noted that Stan Deyo had...More »
  • Terrorism & Globalism

    Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network and author Steve Quayle joined together for a discussion on terrorism, globalism, and the 9-11 attack. Quayle commented that while the U.S. has done an excellent job of preventing further terrorist acts on our soil, America...More »
  • Election Special

    In a special six-hour broadcast George Noory hosted an array of C2C regulars who offered their commentary and analysis as the election results came in. "The democrats were an hour late and a dollar short," said spin expert John M. Curtis, who added that the election results...More »
  • Knights Templar & the Holy Grail

    Author and lecturer, Mark Pinkham presented a history of the origins of the Knights of Templar and the legendary Holy Grail. He believes the Holy Grail is an energy or power that is associated with various objects that can "alchemically transform you into a god or goddess."More »
  • Generational Forecasting

    Author William Strauss outlined the cycles of American history and detailed his prediction for a change or "turning" for the years 2005-2025. Such turnings are "driven by generational change," he explained, with four main archetypes (prophet, nomad, hero, artist) repeating...More »
  • Cryptozoology Update

    Cryptozoologist and author Loren Coleman returned to the show, reporting on an unusual rash of mysterious creature sightings in Texas, Maryland, and North Carolina. He classified most of these animals as unidentified "hybrid canine" types and noted that the majority of them...More »
  • Astronomy Issues

    Astronomer Phil Plait returned to the show to discuss such recent missions as the Cassini Probe at Saturn and the Mars Rovers, as well as to debunk what he considers to be "pseudoscience" and hoaxes.More »
  • Rebroadcast: Solomon Island Giants

    In a rebroadcast from 1/14/04, Steve Quayle presented information on giants and UFOs. During the first hour, Richard Hoagland and Robert Zubrin discussed plans for space travel.More »
  • Afterlife Evidence

    Jeffrey Mishlove, Director of the Intuition Network, shared his new research on afterlife communications. Evidence for the survival of consciousness after death comes from a variety of sources, he said, which include apparitions, mediums, NDEs, reincarnation cases, and EVPs....More »
  • Terrorism & Intelligence

    Author Steve Quayle and Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network discussed intelligence chatter and terrorism threats in America. Hagmann said he was, in fact, just hours away from having a meeting in Washington DC with the Joint Terrorism Task Force and the FBI to...More »
  • Secret Societies

    Thursday night's show was a special one as Alex Jones, Linda Moulton Howe, Jim Marrs and Steve Quayle joined us for a five hour round table discussion about secret societies. According to Jim Marrs, "secret societies go all the way back to the caveman era...they can be traced...More »
  • Earth Changes, Mars & Atlantis

    Futurist, teacher, and author, Gordon-Michael Scallion returned to the show to discuss his visions of earth changes and life on Mars. Scallion said he has long had multiple visions of land changes along the Wyoming/Utah/Colorado/Idaho borders, but it was in 1999 that he began...More »
  • Chemtrail Pilot Line

    George set up a special open line for pilots to disclose what they knew about the alleged chemtrail spraying over America. One military pilot, who said he flies out of Edwards AFB, told of seeing a substance loaded into planes, which he described as clear and gelatin-like, that...More »
  • Seeing Spirits

    "I think I'm like a walking antenna," said parapsychological investigator, Michael J. Kouri who shared his history of seeing psychic emanations, dating back to his childhood. Kouri theorized that the soul is a type of electromagnetic energy, and mediums such as he, have the...More »
  • UFOs & the Bible

    The whole UFO area makes no sense "unless you put it into a biblical context," said author Dr. Chuck Missler. His studies have led him to conclude that UFOs are "hyperdimensional" in origin and that the aliens are actually "fallen angels" that have the ability to materialize in...More »
  • Solomon Island Giants

    Author Steve Quayle related information about giants and UFO bases, both of which he said are currently present on or off the Solomon Islands in the Pacific. One group of these giants, which are reported to be 10-12 ft. tall, are similar to Sasquatch and have a detectable odor...More »
  • Mushrooms & Christmas

    "The mushroom is Jesus, and Santa Claus is also a mushroom," said lecturer James Arthur, who was the main guest on Thursday. He was referring to "magic" mushrooms such as the red Amanita, which are known to expand human consciousness into mystical or spiritual states.More »
  • Dead Scientists

    This is "the greatest murder mystery in history," said author and terrorism expert Steve Quayle (, Thursday's guest for the full 4-hour broadcast. He was discussing the mysterious series of deaths of around 30 prominent microbiologists which began in 2001.More »
  • Cydonia & Ancient Earth

    Authors Steve Quayle and David Flynn discussed the correlation of artifacts at the Cydonia section of Mars to terrestrial geometry of megalithic structures and ancient belief systems. Flynn noted that the D & M pyramid on Cydonia, with its pentagram shape is symbolically tied to...More »
  • Terror Alert

    Bioterrorism expert Steve Quayle and surveillance specialist Douglas Hagmann joined the program on Tuesday to present their analysis of what they believe to be a heightened state of terror alert. "We're sensing a build-up," Quayle said, who sees "everything from a cyber attack,...More »
  • Visions and Warnings

    Author Kathleen Keating, the main guest on Thursday night, said a group of visionaries she has contact with, have indicated we are entering into a new time of tribulation. Keating believes such things as severe weather and earthquakes are God's way of "letting us destroy...More »
  • Genetic Nightmares

    Author Steve Quayle appeared on Wednesday's program to discuss his new book Genetic Armageddon. He believes "we have neither the moral or ethical base" to deal with upcoming developments in genetic engineering, and abhors the idea of headless human bodies being grown to supply...More »
  • Philadelphia Experiment and Beyond

    Al Bielek, who said he was a participant in the Philadelphia Experiment, was the main guest on Monday night. In his life as "Edward Cameron," he said he was aboard the U.S.S. Eldridge on August 12, 1943, when the ship became invisible as part of a military test.More »
  • ET Contacts

    James Gilliland (, the founder of ECETI and the Self Mastery Earth Institute, was the main guest on Monday night. Discussing his ET and interdimensional contacts that occur at his ranch in Trout Lake, Washington, Gilliland said there have been nights when as many as 50...More »
  • Demon Possession

    Both the demonically possessed and people who have helped to exorcise such demons phoned into the program, when George set up a special topic line this Friday night. "I was cursed by a witch," said Shirley from Phoenix, who said she has undergone around fifty exorcisms to rid...More »
  • Giants and Fallen Angels

    Steve Quayle said he's on "a quest to find out (the) real history," when he appeared on Tuesday night's show. A bioterrorism expert, Quayle has also spent thirty years investigating arcane texts like the Book of Enoch to uncover the lost past of giants and fallen angels.More »
  • Haunted in Brooklyn

    It began with an ominous sense of being stared at said Elaine Mercado, who has documented her experiences living in a haunted home in Brooklyn in her book Grave's End. This Thursday night, she presented a spellbinding narrative of the disturbing events that occurred to her and...More »
  • Iraq & Open Lines

    Bioterrorism and disaster preparedness expert, Steve Quayle (, spent the first half of Friday night's show discussing the war. This was followed by Open Lines which included tales from time travelers. It's like a "four-tiered Monopoly board of the Middle...More »
  • War: Now & Later

    It was another Coast to Coast under wartime this past Thursday night, with George presenting a six-hour marathon show for the second night in a row. While seer Sean David Morton was the guest for the latter half of the show, the first three hours featured different military...More »
  • Visions of War

    As war broke out on Wednesday night, George stayed on the air for a full six hours combining updates from the Middle East with open lines. Callers phoned in their reactions to the new war and how it was affecting their lives. George also set up special topic line "for people who...More »
  • Geopolitical Machinations

    David Hagberg, the author of numerous fast-paced international thrillers, appeared on Monday night's program. Eerily, he described events similar to 9/11 in Joshua's Hammer, which he wrote in 1998 and featured Osama bin Laden as a character. "All the signs were there," Hagberg...More »
  • The 11:11 Phenomenon

    "Whenever you see 11:11 it is really a positive thing," said Solara, a visionary author and lecturer who appeared on Tuesday night's show. She believes that seeing this number combination is a "pre-encoded trigger" that is meant to activate you when you reach a certain level of...More »
  • Steve Quayle

    Steve Quayle is the author of the book, Breathe No Evil, a primer forunderstanding Bio Terrorism, first published in 1996. For the past 7 years,he has been articulating the need for American citizens to become aware ofBio Terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.More »
  • Colm A. Kelleher / Steve Quayle

    Dr. Kelleher, a staff member of the National Institute of Discovery Science, is a Research Scientist and Deputy Administrator where his responsibilities include overseeing NIDS research projects. Steve Quayle is the author of the book, Breathe No Evil, a primer forunderstanding...More »
  • Visions & Earth Changes

    Intuitive and teacher of consciousness studies, Gordon-Michael Scallion reveals his global predictions for social and Earth changes between the years 1998 and 2012. In 1978, he experienced visions which showed that the surface and continents of Earth are destined for a radical...More »
  • Steve Quayle / Bruce Moen

    Steve be talking about the nuclear capabilities of India and Pakistan and what could happen if they have a nuclear confrontation. On his website he has a map that will show Americans what would happen if a Nuke went off where they live. If we could peel back layers of "reality"...More »
  • Remote Viewing: Ingo Swann & Paul H. Smith

    Ingo Swann, the father of remote viewing, is internationally known as an advocate and researcher of the exceptional powers of the human mind, and as a leading figure in governmental and scientific projects to investigate and identify the scope of subtle human perceptions. Paul...More »
  • Stephen Quayle

    Stephen Quayle is the author of the book, Breathe No Evil, a primer forunderstanding Bio Terrorism, first published in 1996. For the past 7 years,he has been articulating the need for American citizens to become aware ofBio Terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.More »