Neil Slade

Neil Slade

Neil Slade teaches people how to easily release their brain's pre-existing neurocircuits for high increases in creativity, intelligence, pleasure, as well as numerous paranormal abilities. Previously at the Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory he is also is well known for his Brain Music which has appeared nationally and on PBS television. A musical composer, seasoned concert performer, author, and artist. Slade was assistant to Brain and Behavior Researcher T.D.A. Lingo, PhB, B.Sci. M.A., for 11 years at Colorado's Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory.





Past Shows:

  • Making Your Brain Work Better / Open Lines

    Researcher Neil Slade discussed the function of the amygdala and the remarkable power of the brain. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.More »
  • Nostradamus & Prophecy / The Brain & Creativity

    John Hogue discussed his predictions for world events and the prophecies of Nostradamus. Neil Slade told about his research into increasing brain health.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 5/8/01 when Neil Slade shared how people can enhance their brain function.More »
  • Cutting Edge Space Exploration/ Brain Power

    In the first half, George spoke with Dr. Hakeem Oluseyi, who talked about the evidence for the Big Bang and the possibilities of interstellar travel. In the third hour, brain boost teacher Neil Slade discussed how to release your brain's capacity for increases in creativity and...More »
  • The Brain & Music / Sci-Fi & Science

    In the first half, brain researcher Neil Slade discussed different aspects about how the mind interacts with music. The way music is processed in the human brain is very complex, and is even connected to sight, he detailed. In the latter half, Professor of Physics, Charles...More »
  • UFOs & Alien Deception

    Author and researcher L.A.Marzulli discussed his UFO and ET research that went into his latest documentary Watchers 7 (trailer). There are some 2,000 UFO sightings a month in recent years, including huge motherships. First hour guest, brain researcher Neil Slade talked...More »
  • Brain & Imagination / UFO Updates

    In the first half, brain researcher Neil Slade talked about different aspects of the brain, and their relationship to imagination. In the latter half, UFO journalist Paola Harris shared ufology updates, as well as new details about her investigations into anomalous cases...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 5/8/01 when researcher Neil Slade discussed how people can release their brain's neurocircuits for increases in creativity, intelligence, and even paranormal abilities.More »
  • Torsion Physics & Free Energy

    Richard C. Hoagland spoke about his and others work with torsion physics, and how the knowledge that is coming out of their experiments could point the way to free energy vehicles, and the neutralizing of radioactive waste. First hour guest, brain researcher Neil Slade...More »
  • The Amygdala / Messages from the Dead

    In the first half, brain researcher Neil Slade talked about his research into the amygdala, a part of the brain believed to cause increased creativity, intelligence, and paranormal ability. In the latter half, Ph.D. researcher at the University of Northampton, Cal Cooper,...More »
  • Brain Stimulation

    Researcher Neil Slade discussed the part of the brain called the amygdala, which controls anti-anxiety, anti-fear, and your advanced positive emotions. He detailed how the amygdala acts as a veritable mental switch that can create beneficial and/or negative reactions,...More »
  • Traveling with Wands

    Neil Slade discussed his new work on how wands can actually help us traverse multiple dimensions Last hour guest, privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht shared concerns that most search engines such as Google are compiling data on their users.More »
  • UK Ufology, 2010 Trends, & Angelic Interventions

    Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed the British Ministry of Defence closing down their UFO hotline and offices, the Allan Hills Martian Meteorite, 2010 trends with Gerald Celente, and her own angelic intervention experiences. First hour guest, author Neil...More »
  • Tribute to Art Bell

    George Noory and a cavalcade of guests paid tribute to Art Bell, and clips of some of Art's most memorable on-air moments were played. In live appearances Whitley Strieber, Richard C. Hoagland, Ian Punnett, Dannion Brinkley, George Knapp, Seth Shostak, Evelyn Paglini, Sean David...More »
  • Brain Activation

    Brain researcher Neil Slade shared his insights on a variety of brain-related topics and offered ways to activate specific parts of the brain, the amygdala and frontal lobes, with newly discovered methods that turn-on creativity, intelligence, pleasure, and ESP.More »
  • Mind Matters

    Brain researcher and musician Neil Slade returned to C2C as the main guest on Monday night. Sharing such mental techniques as clicking the amygdala, and "mind movie rewrite," (a method to clear out past traumas), Slade said that the use of one's imagination can propel a person...More »
  • Brain Power

    Researcher/musician Neil Slade. an enthusiastic believer in tapping into unused portions of the brain to increase creativity and enjoyment, discussed the amygdala: a part of the brain he likened to an emotional thermostat.More »
  • Neil Slade

    Slade teaches people how to easily release their brain's pre-existing neurocircuits for high increases in creativity, intelligence, pleasure, as well as numerous paranormal abilities. Previously at the Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory he is also is well known...More »
  • Stan Romanek / Neil Slade

    Stan has some amazing UFO footage to be discussed.Neil teaches people how to easily release theirbrain's pre-existing neurocircuits for high increases in creativity,intelligence, pleasure, as well as numerous paranormal abilities. Previouslyat the Dormant Brain Research and...More »

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