Sylvie Sterling

Sylvie Sterling has devoted her life as a Cat Whisperer and Awakening Coach to help people connect to their cats and receive soul guidance from their feline companions, so they can heal and transform their lives. She has spent more than ten years as a certified cat expert and energy healer, where she offered a unique combination of animal communication, coaching, and healing for both cats and their humans, so they can live a happy, fulfilled and purr-poseful life together.



Past Shows:

  • Cats As Starseed Guides / Using The Eclipse In Manifestation

    Feline expert Sylvie Sterling revealed how cats are starseeds and guides that can help us in our lives. Followed by astrologer Yasmin Boland, who discussed Monday's solar eclipse and how to use the eclipse in manifestation.More »
  • Connecting with Cats / The Shadow Side

    Cat whisperer and author Sylvie Sterling revealed how cats can guide humans to spiritual awakening. Retired therapist Connie Zweig, Ph.D., discussed how encountering our shadow can help overcome disillusionment and lead to spiritual inspiration.More »

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