Roy Varghese

Roy Abraham Varghese is the editor and author of various books on the interface between science and religion. He was a panelist at the science and religion forum in the Parliament of World Religions held in Chicago in 1993. Roy was also an invited participant in the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders held at the United Nations in August 2000. He has organized several conferences with dialogues between noted atheists and theists including a conference at Yale University on Artificial Intelligence. He has worked on conferences and publications with some of the best-known atheists in the English-speaking world, ranging from Antony Flew and Sir Alfred Ayer of Oxford to Marvin Minsky of MIT as well as with prominent scientists.



Past Shows:

  • The Other Side

    Renowned near-death researcher Dr. Raymond Moody was joined by editor and author Roy Abraham Varghese for a discussion about life-after-death, and what lies on the other side. Moody said he'd recently become more confident about the reality of life-after-death. Last hour...More »
  • Generational Cycles

    Guest host John B. Wells welcomed historian and speaker Neil Howe, who discussed his work on generations, as well as the twenty year cycle of crisis now facing the U.S. He identified different types of generations that tend to repeat in the same order, shaping American history.More »

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