Forecasting Technology

Forecasting Technology


Hosted byGeorge Noory

"The future is a roadmap, and each moment produces a different road map," said Paul Guercio who along with Dr. George Hart appeared on Monday night's show. The two are the founders of The Merlin Project, a scientifically-based forecasting technology that combines equations derived from celestial phenomena with specific dates (such as birthdates or key events) to yield a timeline that indicates upcoming fluctuations in energy.

Hart, who is an SDI (Star Wars) physicist, said that while the Merlin software can forecast "energetic periods," it is up to the individual to make the most of them. The two claim to have a 70-80% accuracy rate, predicting such events as the acquittal of O.J. Simpson, and the timetable for the breakup of the Soviet Union. Like weather, people have different seasons and cycles in their lives, Guercio explained, and their Merlin program is particularly adept at pinpointing periods of change.

Using their research, Guercio forecasted into the not too distant future. Here's a sampling of what he said may be coming:

  • A turnaround in the economy (already begun).
  • Cheney may leave office in 2006 and need to be replaced.
  • A terrorist attack or the intervention of one could occur next winter or early spring.
  • Bill Clinton will be back in the political arena by 2008, possibly vying to become the Secretary General of the U.N.

Martian Update

In the first hour Richard C. Hoagland presented an update on Mars. "They are sand dunes," not unlike ones here on Earth, he said in regards to the unusual, recently released photo of Mars. He also spoke about his group's upcoming plans to observe the planet at the Lowell Observatory as it makes its closest pass towards Earth, later this month, and was soliciting donations (Enterprise Mission, PO BOX 52017, Albuquerque, NM 87181) for this and other current projects.

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