Predictions and Time Travels

Predictions and Time Travels


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Futurist and prophetic visionary Gordon-Michael Scallion returned to share his intuitions and predictions. Here is a rundown of some of what he sees in store:

  • Eventually, the US will lose 1/3 of its land mass, though an equal amount of new land will rise.
  • A powerful sun flare within the next year will cause a global blackout.
  • Yellowstone is heating up, and there will be breaks in the land in that area within a matter of months.
  • ET disclosure is moving forward, and within the next couple of years there will be confirmation.
  • The next terrorist attack in the US will be "electronic" in nature and could affect banking and computers.

Scallion also shared some of his time travel visions, such as witnessing the construction of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. The huge stones, he said, were cut with a laser process by Atlanteans and lifted off the ground through a sonic method.
Also traveling back to the time of Atlantis, Scallion said he was particularly close to another incarnation of himself, that he experiences as a "simultaneous reality." He described Atlantis at its height as a long continent that stretched from New York to Africa. It was subsequently broken into smaller and smaller masses, eventually sinking completely when the plate underneath it shifted.

Jupiter Mystery Spot

Tuesday's first hour guest, Richard C. Hoagland of the Enterprise Mission gave his take on the mysterious spot recently observed on Jupiter. Relating to what previous C2C guest, physicist Jacco van der Worp theorized about the crash of the Galileo space probe into Jupiter's surface, Hoagland said the spot could have been a "big black splotch of carbon," emitted when the canisters from the probe eventually ignited on the planet's surface.

Commenting on the raging wildfires in Southern California, Hoagland advocated for a better firefighting technology, such as a system of "cryogenic bombs," developed five years ago.

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