Dan Burisch Update

Dan Burisch Update


Hosted byGeorge Noory

During the first two hours of Friday's show, reporter and editor Linda Moulton Howe of Earthfiles.com gave an update on the Dan Burisch case.Dan Burisch claims to have received telepathic messages from a time traveling extraterrestrial called J-Rod. According to Burisch, the J-Rods have serious medical problems that will cause their eventual extinction and have journeyed back to Earth to fix a "time problem" in our present, the J-Rods distant past. Burisch says he and a team of scientists worked to develop a cure for the J-Rods, and to help them prevent their catastrophic future.

Provoked by his interactions with the J-Rod, Burisch began looking for evidence of panspermia, a theory that life was seeded on Earth. His research led him to develop the Lotus Model, which hypothesizes that silicon dioxide crystals act as antennas for "Ganesh particles." Burisch believes these particles travel in light and "can motivate the production of life from pre-existing proteins." The implication, Burisch admits, is that life should exist anywhere in the universe where there are silicon dioxides. More here.

Think About Coral

Richard C. Hoagland reported live from Coral Castle in Florida where he has been taking measurements with a vibrating tuning fork and recording the resulting wave patterns. Hoagland theorizes that by electrically resonating an object it is possible to change its mass. If his hypothesis is true, we could "accelerate [rockets] to the speed of light with a kiss." Hoagland asked the Coast to Coast audience to concentrate on changing the frequency of his tuning fork. Later in the show, he reported an increase in the fork's vibration rate, which he credited to the efforts of our listeners who were "thinking hard."

George's Dream

George told listeners that he recently dreamed he was an astronaut traveling our solar system in a high-speed space station. At 10 million miles from Jupiter, George and his crew witnessed an asteroid colliding with the planet. Strangely, the asteroid emerged from the other side, cutting through Jupiter like a knife and causing it to implode. As George watched Jupiter destroy itself he thought, "Oh no, we (on Earth) have lost our shield from asteroids."

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