UFO Contacts


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Researcher Dr. Michael Salla and journalist Paola Harris joined together for a discussion on the politics and meaning behind UFO and alien contacts. Rather than an event, disclosure is a process, said Salla, that is pieced together from various whistleblower's testimonies.

One such whistleblower is Charles Hall, who was a weather observer stationed at Nellis AFB, and wrote a series of fictionalized books based on his real life encounters with aliens, Harris detailed. He described them as very thin, 7-8 ft. tall, and with life spans of 700-800 years, she said. The "tall whites" were allegedly living at a military base as part of a technology transfer arrangement. Hall wasn't constrained by a security oath, as is often the case with military personnel, Salla added.

Harris recounted her recent trip to contactee Billy Meier's complex in Switzerland. She said she saw shrubbery there that she'd seen nowhere else, which she connected to the statement supposedly made by Pleiadians that they chose this area for contact because the "land had a particular frequency." The Pleiadians also made predictions about the future back in the 1970's, some of them concerning the EU and how the Swiss may not be able to remain impartial, Harris noted. Lab tests of Pleiadian ship materials were conducted, Salla shared, but the materials subsequently disappeared.

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