Ancient Codes & Spirituality

Ancient Codes & Spirituality


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Engineer and scientist Maurice Cotterell returned to talk about the codes he has uncovered in ancient civilizations. By examining their objects, artifacts, and paintings and subjecting them to computer analysis he has made a variety of extrapolations.

He believes that many of these civilizations, starting with the Egyptians, were aware of sun cycles and their affect on humans, particularly in the area of fertility. He suggested that such revered leaders as Jesus, Lord Pacal, Krishna, Buddha, Viracocha, and Tutankhamun were all the same reincarnated being who came to Earth at different times in order to teach a higher order of spirituality. Rather than using language, Cotterell said they communicated their message in a way that would transcend time-- with pictures and numbers. View related animation.

Indeed, he now believes that he has discovered the Holy Grail, the cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper, which he said is coded with a message. This artifact, which he located at a museum in Ireland, (though it's not identified there as the Holy Grail) will be featured in his new book due out next year. Cotterell also shared his findings on the nature of the human soul, which he said could grow in "voltage" through the expression of love.

Titan Update

First hour guest Richard C. Hoagland discussed the latest findings about Titan's atmosphere. NASA is not revealing the composition of the molecules, he said, which has led him to suspect that they may have found the "signature" of the life process on Titan, but are holding back from an announcement. He also touched on Saturn's mysteries and their connection to secret societies.

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