Intuitive Sean David Morton returned to check in on his past predictions and give an update for the year ahead and beyond. Here are some highlights of his forecast:
- The flu pandemic will reach its peak in 2006 and Asia will be particularly hard hit with deaths.
- Gold and precious metals will continue to rise in value. Gold will hit 725 by July-Aug. 0f 2006.
- Good stock picks for right now: Apple Computer, Pixar, Nuclear Solutions, Azure Dynamics and Magna Entertainment.
- The housing market/mortgage bubble will pop sometime within the next six months.
- A "savagely cold" winter for the Midwest and East Coast will cause energy costs to rise again, with the price of an oil barrel reaching $75-80 by January.
- The 2008 presidential election will be between Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. (He declined to predict a winner at this juncture.)
- Dick Cheney will resign due to "health issues."
- The San Francisco region will have three serious quakes in 2006. The precursor will be a 6.5 quake in central California occurring in Feb.-March. This will be followed by quakes centered near Hollister, Vallejo/Marin and the East Bay between April and October.