The State of Ufology


Hosted byGeorge Knapp

Filling in for Art Bell, George Knapp welcomed three UFO experts-- Don Ecker, Vicki Ecker and William J. Birnes-- all associated with UFO Magazine. In the first hour, Birnes, who co-authored The Day After Roswell with the late Col. Philip Corso, addressed criticisms leveled at claims in the book. Corso's premise that various alien technologies were seeded to different companies retains credibility, he said, noting that the Army and the cited companies have never denied these suppositions.

Later, Birnes was joined by the Eckers, for a wide-ranging discussion on UFO cases and the state of ufology with such issues as media coverage, skepticism and disinformation explored. The three concurred that the recently revealed Project Serpo was likely a case of disinformation, with Don pointing out that a photograph of an alien used on the Serpo website was exactly the same as a special effects creation he'd seen.

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