Time-Slips & Other Stories

Time-Slips & Other Stories


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Author, teacher, & ordained Anglican priest Lionel Fanthorpe discussed his new work on the mysteries of time, sharing several cases of "time-slips"-- when people experienced being in a time frame different than their own. For instance, in 1936, Sir Robert Victor Goddard flew his biplane over an airfield from the future at a place called Drem in Scotland -- and revisited it six years later to find that his "vision" had been accurate.

In 1898, a fiction writer named Morgan Robertson described a ship called the Titan in a sea disaster story that was eerily similar to the real tragedy of the Titanic that was to come in 1912. Had he looked into the future?, Fanthorpe pondered. He also detailed time-slip incidents that occurred in Wroxham Broad in Norfolk, England. In 1603, two friends were swimming together but suddenly found themselves on dry land, dressed as Roman officers in a large amphitheater. In 1709 and 1825, strange sightings of ancient scenes were observed by witnesses in the same area, he reported.

Fanthorpe also touched on such topics as doppelgangers, the legends of Jesus, the Essex witch trials in the 1600s, and poltergeists. He shared the case of Esther Cox from 1878, who was plagued by a poltergeist-- objects moved around her, small fires were set, and explosive sounds were heard, all caused by a seemingly invisible force. When she moved out of her home to a friend's tavern, the incidents followed her there-- a knife was thrown into her back and a heavy iron handle repeatedly flew from the kitchen into the restaurant.

OKC Bombing & VA Tech Shooting

First hour guest, radio host Alex Jones commented on the Oklahoma City bombing on its 12th anniversary. He believes there is a massive cover-up related to the event, citing the removal of surveillance tapes that showed "John Doe #2" and evidence that bombs were planted inside the building.

He also spoke about the VA Tech shooter, suggesting that a combination of SSRI drugs and video games were contributory factors.

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